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A Senior's Sentimental Field Day

Updated: Dec 10, 2019

Field Day is virtually indescribable to anyone outside the ThunderRidge community, and is a highlight of every school year. This year’s senior class has been able to experience all of their four Field Days, and made their high school experience one to remember.

Senior year was a “Trip Around the U.S.A”, and every class got a popular United States city. Freshmen were New Orleans, sophomores were New York City, juniors were Los Angeles, and seniors were Las Vegas. This theme was one to remember, as it commemorated the end of the class of 2020’s Field Day run. However, the seniors

won by a narrow margin, as the score at the end of Field Day was tied between the juniors and seniors. A tiebreaker event was pulled, which was dance, and gave the seniors the win.“The kick off was insane! The score was way too close for comfort, but I’m glad we pulled off a win,” senior Mackenzie Correia recalls.

Junior year was unarguably one for the books. With the theme of “Mythology”, each class got an exciting theme. Freshman had Polynesian Mythology, sophomores had Viking Mythology, juniors had Egyptian Mythology, and seniors had Greek Mythology. The excitement could barely be contained as they got to experience their first Field Day on the upperclassmen side of the gym, and a loss was inevitable, but it was still an enthralling time.

Sophomore year featured the theme of “The Grizzly Grammys,” where every class was a different music genre. Freshmen were Jazz, sophomores were Pop, juniors were Disco, and seniors were Rock n’ Roll. The excitement was up from the previous year, and the class of 2020 pulled off their very first win.“I loved that we won this year! I knew more of what I was doing, which translated to an incredible experience,” senior Rylee Ehnes observed.

Freshman year’s theme was entitled “Battle of the Times,” which followed the order of freshman as the Wild West, sophomores as Medieval, juniors as Prehistoric, and Seniors as The Future. Highlights of the week included a Homecoming football win against Rock Canyon with a score of 33-7. The freshman pulled off an upset win in the dance category, and although losing overall, it was an exciting first Field Day. “It was a weird experience at a new school, but it was unforgettable. I still remember the cheer and the song we did, and made my high school experience much better than expected,” reminices senior Laney Kennedy.

Many seniors had expectations of what they would love about Field Day coming into ThunderRidge their freshman year, but the realities shifted within their four years here.

“Coming into Field Day, I thought I would look forward to the t-shirt, because my older siblings had cool ones that they let me wear, but after freshman year, I look forward to Manleading and Powderpuff. It’s fun to watch and it’s cool to see the reversal of traditional roles,” mentions senior Annemarie Super.

Field Day is constantly evolving, but ThunderRidge students can agree that it is the best part of the year.

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